September 17, 2007

It’s raining. I woke up into such incredibly beautiful sunrise as seen from my 5th floor apartment that I skyped my family to share it with them. Hurrah for the marvelous modern technology and my new laptop with a webcam. Yes! I have a new modem – thanks to the friendly young computer genius, Pasi. All he wants for his efforts is a bottle of BOLS, the drink of the nerds! (the label he used to specify it) from the duty free when I next visit the States.

Yesterday the town had a special fall fest – Veden ja Maan Viljaa -  Water and Earth Harvest - where growers from around the region introduce and sell their products. What beautiful organic produce, bread, flour, juice, flowers, locally grown corn as well as wool socks and baskets – and Celtic Jewelry. Can’t escape the new multicultural Finland!

I also discovered the walking, jogging – and later, cross-country ski trail right by my house. It will be lit, so people can exercise in the evening when the days get shorter. It’s really in the forest, and the fragrance intensified by afternoon showers was intoxicating – and there were no sounds except for people chatting. I kept shooting the yellow leaves, so bright and shiny. One day, you’ll get pictures.

Now – I have to get to town. No bike yet. Maybe I’ll take the bus in this rain.